Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Best week ever!!!

So I have had the best week of my life......Well so far, LOL!!! We have spent the past 4 days with Zac and Allie Hannon they are the best people that have come into are lives. Truxton has a new video game buddy, he and Zac with stay up literally all night playing video games sometime it is just one video game that they play over and over. Recently it has been left for dead 2 on the xbox 360. Also I have Allie who is almost the exact replica of  me. We totally agree on most things we can talk about anything we are not shy about anything totally blunt. I love her to death!!! Also Bridgette loves her also, we went to the mall with them yesterday and she would get mad at Trux & I and go straight to Allie. Allie was the only one who could calm her down. I don't know what I would do here in Ephraim without Allie. She is the one that keeps me sane!!!Also at the mall Bridgette got to go and see Santa. She has been waiting all day yesterday to see him. We finally got in line and we were the next ones and she just couldn't wait she kept yelled "Santa" " Santa" so it was great fun. She loved Santa. I can't wait for Christmas and spend time with my family.


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