Sunday, May 15, 2011

30 weeks!!!

 Well we have made it to 30 weeks!!! I'm so excited but nervous at the same time. He is going to be here before we know it!!I'm more nervous about going into labor on my own because Truxton will be working for the Old lyric Theater which he did last summer. He loved it, but it also gives him some credit for his schooling and he gets paid for it like a regular job which it good both ways. So with him doing that again this year if he was as busy as he was last year I will be home most of the time by myself. From as early as 10am till 5am. I hardly saw him. But he has told me that this summer should not be as busy cause they have alot of workers and hardly anything to do. So I am hoping that it stays that way and wont get very busy. But I know that the lord will watch out for us.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New apartment/Appointment

So we have officially moved into our new apartment!! And we love it!! It is so much closer to campus and to Truxton's work it just makes life easier. Bridgette loves it too!! So loves that her bedroom isn't so far away from the living room and our bedroom. I think she feels closer to us and safer. :) Our first night we stayed here she woke up the next morning walked out of her room went into the bathroom then came into our room and woke me up very nicely and said, "Mom, I can't find my big girl pants!" (that's what she calls her underwear.) lol I love it!! We all feel better about living here we are much happier and less stressed. Also we had our 28 week appointment on Monday which is the fun glucose test. :( So we went in the drew my blood then we waited for the doctor to come in. Once he came in asked if I have had any problems. I told him I have had some cramping and tightening in my stomach so he told me to watch and if they come 4 times in and hour to go to Labor & Delivery. So then he checked the baby's heartbeat 146!! :) Then he measured my stomach I saw the look on his face then he said well you are measuring at 36 cm so he told me that he wanted to schedule me for an ultrasound to make sure that he is not getting to big. So we went for our ultrasound on Wed. he is measuring big he measured at 30 weeks so they told me they are going to watch him closely and make sure he isn't getting too big. Also they will be checking to make sure all of his body parts are growing right and not growing abnormally like head growing and the body isn't or visa versa. I will try to keep this updated. :)