Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bridgette's 3rd birthday/ Truxton's surgery.

So alot has happened in the past two weeks that I haven't been so good on updating. Well as of today Bridgette is now 3 years old!! I know right!! It is crazy!! Anyway it was a Disney princess theme party. She loves the Disney princesses so we thought she would enjoy it. So we had two parties one in Grantsville and one at our house so that our friends and family in both areas could be there. It was nice but very nerve racking, but totally worth it. Also the day before birthday Trux had surgery on his foot.

 So I will update you. He went hunting with my cousin in law Mark Aug. 29th and that night he called me and told me that I needed to come and pick him up cause I had decided to go up to my parents house while he was gone so I asked him why and he told me that he thinks that he broke his ankle. So I was freaking out. So I ended up heading up early the next morning to go get him and bring him up to have dad x ray his foot.So this is what I came home to.

Yeah it was bad!! So we had to have it cat scanned and x rayed before they told us that he had to have surgery. He had broken his talus which is his weight bearing bone so he hasn't been able to put any weight on it. So he went in for surgery and he was in there for 3 hours then the doctor came out and told us that he has 2 dissoluble pins and 8 screws and a plate. They had to break his fibula (his leg bone) to get to the talus so he is a walking hardware store. :)

This is him the night after his surgery. He will be unable to walk on it for 6 weeks. So Bridgette and I have been taking him to school everyday and driving him to his classes so we will be doing this for 6 weeks or longer. So that is what has been happening in the Moulton household.

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